Wir sind eine bunte Gruppe von Studierenden, Berufstätigen und RentnerInnen, die größtenteils im Dresdener Süden wohnen und eine einfache Wiese an einer viel befahrenen Straße, in eine bunte Oase für die Nachbarschaft verwandeln wollen.
Diverses Obst und Gemüse, ein paar Blumen, Bäume und Sträucher zeichnen unseren Garten aus! Dabei lassen sich neue und alte, exotische und klassische Sorten finden. Durch erfahrene Gärtner werden auch Neulinge schnell zu wissenden Gartenfreunden!
Wenn du Lust hast bei uns mitzumachen, dann komm einfach zu den Treffen vorbei oder schreibe uns eine E-Mail (siehe Kontakt).
Offene Gartenzeit: Dienstag um 17 Uhr
With flowers, vegetable beds, nesting aids, seating areas and much more, our aim is to transform an ordinary lawn into a colorful oasis for humans and animals - a community garden open for everyone, young and old!
We are a diverse group of students, workers and pensioners. Some of us have previous gardening experince, others are newcomers.
Active since 2014, we are always looking to welcome new supporters. Also a green thumb is not a requirement, we have lots of space for new creative ideas!
If you would like to join us, just come to our meetings or email us (preferably in German or English ;-)) or visit us in the garden at the junction Zellescher Weg/ Teplitzer Straße in Dresden.
You are always welcome to come by, ask questions or participate in our garden activities!
Open garden: Tuesdays at 5 p.m.
We are a diverse group of students, workers and pensioners. Some of us have previous gardening experince, others are newcomers.
Active since 2014, we are always looking to welcome new supporters. Also a green thumb is not a requirement, we have lots of space for new creative ideas!
If you would like to join us, just come to our meetings or email us (preferably in German or English ;-)) or visit us in the garden at the junction Zellescher Weg/ Teplitzer Straße in Dresden.
You are always welcome to come by, ask questions or participate in our garden activities!
Open garden: Tuesdays at 5 p.m.